FOOD ORDERED: Set breakfast to go - filter coffee with 2 pastries

Happy Day had only been open for two days when i paid them a visit. It is a Korean owned internet cafe. You know, like the nineties. It seemed promising at first, the glass window in their counter was stocked with a variety of treats, including french bread pizza and sausage sushi. The interior was quirky; seemingly "Hello Kitty" themed with a smattering of pink and bright pastel colours. Gaudy yes, but a nice alternative to the greasy spoons of Morden.
I was drawn in by the cheap breakfast deal - £1.95 for a coffee and 2 pastries. Brilliant value I thought, but reader, imagine my SHOCK on discovering that the pastries were miniatures, and the coffee came out of a vending machine. The coffee was passable, but the food was dry and stale. Quite an achievement given they'd only opened the day before.
I really wanted to like this place, they seemed friendly and were trying to offer Morden something a bit different, which I would always encourage. Unfortunately, I was left with a bitter taste in my mouth (cheap coffee). The lawsuit they may face from Paramount Entertainment should be the least of their worries. An internet cafe serving super-small portions of below average food ain't gunna stand the test of time in this town.
QUALITY: 3.5/10
PRICE: 7/10
SERVICE: 6.5/10
OVERALL: 5.6/10
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